Meet The Team: Steve, Editor/Camera Operator
Paul Broadie
Here we have it – introducing a third member of our team.
Steve is an editor and camera operator at Manto. He is incredibly skilled at making the mundane interesting and we can always count on him to bring much hilarity both on a shoot and in the office. Steve is brilliant at coming up with ideas and, through his creativity and imagination, has an impressive ability to understand a brief and bring it to life.
When did you first get interested in film?
I think I first started my love for film and the process behind filmmaking when I was a teenager. I had a passionate media studies teacher who enjoyed analysing important scenes from historical films and it was from these lessons that I began to understand the real emotional impact film can have. When given the opportunity to try making our own short films I thoroughly enjoyed the process and have sought to learn more ever since.
What’s your favourite project you’ve ever worked on?
I’ve had the opportunity to work on a bunch of great projects at Manto but the one I am most fond of has to be the recruitment video we made for Leeds based TPP (The Phoenix Partnership). It was the first project I had a major driving seat with producing and I’m chuffed to bits with how it came out. From planning out each scene to filming in various locations and putting it all together in the edit I found the whole process massively rewarding.
What film have you watched more times than any other?
Probably Anchorman or The Big Lebowski. I think they’re both really quotable but that’s just, like, my opinion man.
What do you get inspired by?
I get inspired by others mostly. Seeing a friend or colleague do something cool makes me want to provoke the same reaction. Similarly if I see a film that is really moving I plan out how I can have the same effect on an audience.
Which cartoon character portrays you the best?
Johnny Bravo without the muscle. I think I’m cool and a hit with the ladies. I’m not.
What three things are most important to you?
I’m quite precious about my soup mug at work. I guess my wallet and keys are pretty important too.
What is the most unusual thing you’ve eaten?
I ate deep fried locusts in Vietnam earlier this year. They weren’t very nice and very crunchy!