Manto Team’s Favourites – Episode 2

Laura Clark

The Manto Team have slowly been sharing some of our ‘Visual Media Favourites’ and next up, is our Head of Production, Matt.

(Just don’t quote these answers as gospel as we’ll probably change our minds again by next year!)

What is your favourite film and why?

Up in the Air. I really love the slickness of travel, and Clooney’s character that’s got quite a shallow depth of emotion. Sure, I wish the ending was a happy one, but it hits you right in the feels!

What is your favourite ad and why?

Canoe Canada. I just love how this ad captures the passion of paddling. It makes it feel dramatic, and ultimately, I want to get out on the water and go paddling….ideally in Canada. The quality of the footage, and the voiceover is pretty great.

What was the film/video that first got you interested in filmmaking?

For me, there wasn’t something that I was watching that inspired me. It was just about the creation, and making something from nothing and seeing if it could be done. I remember when I was about 8 or 9, attempting stop motion with my toy cars, and was proud of myself that I’d figured out how to do it with limited tools!

Which filmmaker are you most inspired by and why?

A bit cliche, but Edgar Wright. I thought his attention to detail with the easter eggs was mazing, along with quick witty dialogue with a visual way of doing comedy that everyone has always admired. Nowadays, I really like the YouTuber Danny Gervitz, as the quality of his filmmaking is truly amazing, from the scriptwriting, camera, directing and editing. He has a feature film out later this year which I’m excited to watch!

What ad made you laugh the most?

I mean, Mr Bean Snickers is pretty great

What is the film or ad that you would most love to have made yourself and why?

Canoe Canada would be pretty great. Combining travel, outdoors, and canoeing!
